Working With
CAKE Media Lab is an exclusive paid media strategy and execution firm. We partner with a select group of clients and become immersed in their advertising strategies. Our goal with clients is converting their paid media budgets into qualified results that can be measured and affect the bottom line. We do it through understanding the advertising ecosystem from end-to-end and defining the key metrics for your business to succeed. We apply VFQ, a way of working developed by Emergn Inc to structure our work product. It provides an effective way of working with our clients and each other in this new hybrid communications world.
The three main principles of VFQ are:
Having an effective work process provides a good working environment for our clients and employees. After a few weeks, our clients understand what to expect from us and what we expect from them. It’s this foundation that continually produces quality and value to our clients.
The three main principles of VFQ are:
- Deliver value early and often
- Optimize the flow of work end-to-end
- Discover quality through honest and frequent feedback
Having an effective work process provides a good working environment for our clients and employees. After a few weeks, our clients understand what to expect from us and what we expect from them. It’s this foundation that continually produces quality and value to our clients.
CAKE Communications, INC